Hockey Hooky: February 28th

Hockey Hooky is on Tuesday, Feb 28. If you have purchased tickets, please note that the bus will leave at 8:00 am sharp. If your student is a bus student, they will need to be dropped off prior to 8:00 am bus time.
Please note that this is Rogers Arena's rules for food and drink. They have offered a nice lunch combo for students' purchases.
Our in-game food combo is back! For just $10, fans can purchase a combo that includes a hot dog, chips, and a drink (see attached offer). These will be available at all concession stands on the concourse during the game. Students are also more than welcome to bring their own lunch in a soft lunch bag, but please note that backpacks will not be allowed into the arena. We suggest leaving backpacks and water bottles at school or on the bus.
If you are driving YOUR student to the game, please let us know Monday so that we are able to transfer your tickets over to you for entrance.