PGMS Covid-19 School Update

On the weekend, I received official notification that the Medical Officer of Health has declared a COVID19 outbreak at Ecole Pine Grove School. Over the past two weeks, we have had a consistent number of students (8) amongst our three grade levels test positive for Covid19. I am sending you the attached notification from AHS to keep you informed of Pine Grove's situation and to provide you with the latest medical advice from AHS. The reference number for our school site is 2021-EI-10055. This tracking number is for students who are going for testing, you simply inform the assessment center staff that this is their tracking number. This will not expedite testing or reporting of results, it merely tracks the information so that we may receive results related to this investigation in an organized fashion.
If you require more information, you can contact (811) or
Guidance for respiratory illness prevention and management in schools - Open Government (
Please review this document for additional information.