Principal's Welcome to PGMS

Welcome to PGMS for the 2021-2022 school year!
As the new Principal of École Pine Grove Middle School, I am very excited about the start up of the 2021-2022 year. The previous school year was full of uncertainty and as with you, I hope to leave the Covid-19 pandemic in our past. As the incoming Principal, along with Mrs. Amanda Clarke and Mrs. Bailey Benson, our new Assistant Principals, I have observed a love for École Pine Grove Middle School from the staff and students. I admire and respect this love for the school and it is my hope to carry forward this connection for years to come.
We welcome our returning teachers and are pleased to introduce our new staff members, Miss Kennedy Carpenter, Miss Alex Wilson and Mrs. Gina Grabowski. We are looking forward to collaborating with staff, parents and students, to create a supportive, secure learning environment for all of our students. It is through partnerships and relationships with parents, students, teachers, and administration that we offer our students the best of what education can be. At École Pine Grove Middle School we offer a range of learning opportunities so that every student can realize his or her individual potential as learners and future citizens.
Our teachers and our entire staff look forward to working closely with you, and with your children. We are excited by the many possible events and learning experiences we have planned for the 2021-2022 school year.
I look forward to meeting with you personally in the future.
Darran Lorne